Allow us to turn your manuscript into a published book you’ll be proud of. From title to interior, book cover design to distribution, we work with you to enhance your completed work with eye-catching quality and sales-worthy production value.
You’ve had a book idea in your head and it’s finally time to get it out. Allow us to hold your hand along the journey as we support you to write, we produce, and together we publish your first, fifth or fiftieth published work of art.
Your book is published. Now what? Let us help you generate initial book sales, establish you as an author, and set your book marketing plan in action to get it in front of the audience who wants to read what you have to say.
From narration to post-production and distribution, Rainmaker Publishing’s world-class team of publishing professionals can help give your audience another dynamic way to interact with your content.
Our workshops are designed to teach you important elements of the writing and publishing process. Taught by luminaries in publishing and media, our workshops meet you where you are to take your writing and publishing where you want it to go.
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