Publishing Support

Are you ready to see your name in print? Rainmaker Publishing can make that dream a reality. Our unparalleled support and resources help writers get their work published and noticed. With our team of experts by your side, you’ll have the tools and guidance you need to turn your manuscript into a literary masterpiece.

How will we help you?

At Rainmaker, we believe that every book has the potential to be a work of art, and it’s our passion to help you get it there.

Whether you’re a first-time author or seasoned pro, our innovative solutions and personalized approach will set you up for success.

Rainmaker Publishing’s ‘Write to the Top’ program offers premier hybrid publishing support that combines the best of traditional and self-publishing. We’re dedicated to bringing the world your books that inspire, educate, entertain and make a mark.



Our Publishing Support Services offer one-on-one support to help authors with a completed manuscript navigate the publishing process as we provide step-by-step guidance to achieving your goals. And our publishing services are designed to help bring your books to market with the highest level of quality and professionalism.
Our team takes a personalized approach to getting you published and tailors it to your individual needs and goals. We’re your wingman, providing every last detail to get your already written manuscript out into the world. Working with our team of publishing professionals will elevate your manuscript to new heights with professional editing, design, formatting and distribution.


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