

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

H2 heading

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

H3 heading

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

H4 heading

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

H5 heading

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

H6 heading

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

Unordered list

Ordered list
  1. Self-publishing
  2. Book Design
  3. Book Marketing
  4. Editorial Services
  5. Solicitation & Publishing


As an author, I can assure you, that waiting fora letter of interest from a publishing houseis a nervous affair… Luckily, these guys were the first on my list and they published my short stories book.Diana McKinsey

Some Other Styles

Bold Text: There is a basic, first situation when it’s not a good idea to do prescriptions

Italic: There is a basic, first situation when it’s not a good idea to do prescriptions

Strike-through: There is a basic, first situation when it’s not a good idea to do prescriptions

Link: There is a basic, first situation when it’s not a good idea to do prescriptions

Inline Code:  There is a basic, first situation when it's not a good idea to do prescriptions

Centre Aligned Image

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

Left Aligned Image

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager.

As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres!

We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.
We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager.


Right Aligned Image

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager.

As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres!

We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.
We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager.


Large Image Should Always Fit

Founded in 1974, the BookGroup is located in New York City and is known as “America’s top Independent Publisher.” We remain a multi-generational family business, with Jerry Robinson succeeding his father as President and CEO, and Adam Robinson as General Manager. As a leading independent commercial publishing house in the United States, we’re determined to find and publish the best fiction and non-fiction works across al genres! We’re providing hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, and digital releases, Kensington publishes the books that America wants to read.

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