

Book Launch Basics

Kudos to you for finishing your book! It’s a huge effort that is to be commended for sure, but don’t celebrate too much. There’s still


How to Blog a Book

What holds most would-be authors back from publishing? It’s not a lack of writing talent. It’s definitely not a lack of knowledge. And for sure


The Power of the Published Author

Your presence on social media is a great representation of your brand. Your blog attracts and engages with new audiences. Your email list keeps you

Our Authors

How To Make The Most Out Of A Writing Critique: Ten Tips

As you are a Certified Penmonkey — *stamps your head with the ancient sigil* — you will at various intersections be forced to endure a critique of your work. I don’t mean bad reviews, though those will line up, too, and you will run their gauntlet as they whack you about the head and neck with their bludgeoning sadness. No, I mean a proper critique. Knives out. Blood on the paper. You will receive..

Our Authors

On Sentence Fragments And Other Stylistic Jibber-jabber

I received this comment here at the blog: Dear Chuck, “Can you help me? There’s something I need to do, but I haven’t got the strength to do it.” From one Star Wars fan and student of English to another, I came here today looking for answers. Respectfully: I didn’t like what I read of your book, but I also have a serious question. This was the first book of yours I ever tried to read, and I just couldn’t get into

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